Workshop cleanup

Destroy Kubernetes cluster

In order to delete the cluster using kops, first retrieve the S3 state store where kops maintains the cluster state information:

$ aws s3api list-buckets --region us-east-1
|                                             ListBuckets                                             |
||                                              Buckets                                              ||
||            CreationDate            |                            Name                              ||
||  2020-06-03T12:49:06+00:00         |  istio-workshop-15904-kops-cluster-state-store               ||
||                                               Owner                                               ||
||          DisplayName         |                                ID                                  ||
||  awslabsc0w768921t1588545607 |  efc35b87124f4803bc1328ab888b22a8e605a5a635db18a2f25c619067cde3a4  ||

$ BUCKET_NAME=istio-workshop-15904-kops-cluster-state-store

Then, delete Kubernetes cluster in AWS using kops delete command:

$ kops delete cluster istio-workshop.k8s.local --yes

Wait until all AWS resources are deleted. Do not interrupt the process execution. It may result with left-over resources that continue to consume the AWS credits.

During the cluster deletion you might encouter warnings similar to:

Not all resources deleted; waiting before reattempting deletion
subnet:subnet-08991b365aca297fd    still has dependencies, will retry

These warnings are normal behaviour. Ignore them.

In the end, the command should inform about completed cluster deletion:

Deleted kubectl config for istio-workshop.k8s.local
Deleted cluster: "istio-workshop.k8s.local"

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